SpinCam: Tyrus Thomas Dunk #2

An independent view at the events happenning in the world of basketball
We've been talking about Gilbert Arenas, now it's time to watch his best plays:
Well, this man can really rise and shoot.
I've never seen a guy dunking in such a way - his head is at the rim level though he's just 6'1". No wonder he used to play for Harlem Globetrotters...
Michael Jordan.
Photo: AP
Who is the best basketball player ever? Right, the first name that comes to your mind is Michael Jordan. Jordan... Jordan? What? Isn't it a pure Jewish name? Yeah, I know, it's also the name of one of the countries in Mid-East and a river, but I strongly suspect that the name itself has Jewish roots...
Now tell me how come a black man has a Jewish name?
Who is one of the most popular NBA players in our days? Right. That's Allen Iverson. Iverson... Iverson? His last name is kinda interesting, too. Very resembling and.... Yeah, I think it at least looks like a bit Jewish...
Again, tell me, how come the two best basketball players in the NBA history have Jewish names? I'm afraid, noone will answer.
And this is not the end of the list: Stephen Jackson and other Jacksons - if you look it up in those science books you'll find it out that this name also originates from a Jewish one. One can find many more Jewish names in the NBA rosters.
So you may disagree, but Jewish nation produced the best basketball players. Period.
PS I intentionally don't mention any names related to ... khm... some commissioners... But the best basketball managers will be covered in my future posts, I think.
We all know that NBA stars can do spectacular things at those overcrowded stellar arenas. But how do they perform on streets playing with blacktop 'born on street' stars? Let's check it out:
Terms are simple: Gilbert shoots with one hand, DeShawn Stevenson with two (regular shot). The winner gets $20,000. Who would win? watch this video:
This post is dedicated to all Kevin Johnson's fans. We all knew that he could dunk hard (just recall his tremendous slam over Hakeen Olajuwon). Recently I found a short video where he dunks on a fast break in a playoff-game versus Portland Trail Blazers. Unfortunately, his dunk wasn't counted because he'd been fouled. Enjoy.
I caught myself on the thought that I remember quite few moments from LeBron's pre-NBA career. We all remember that even Michael Jordan didn't think much of LeBron James telling that he was taking a lot of advantage of his height and dimensions over other high school players. Well, looks like Michael Jordan was wrong again. Meanwhile, let's watch the real highlights from LeBron James' high school games: